Friday, December 20, 2013

Scrooge Abridged

This was my Christmas card from 2009, before I started my blog. I created it with the panels lined up horizontally, and folded accordion style.  But it's fun to stack the panels vertically and scroll down through the story. I should say my memories of A Christmas Carol are from the 1951 movie, with Alistair Sim as Scrooge. I think the problem with many filmed versions of A Christmas Carol is that they cast a grouchy, gruff actor to play Scrooge. I think the key to the character is finding an actor who can be convincingly giddy after his transformation. Grumpy, cranky and mean is easy; sincerely joyful and ecstatic is hard.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, I would be a happy camper if I got a request to work in this style.
